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If you wish to receive your username name and password again, then please input the e-mail address that you registered with and click the 'resend now' button.

Your details will be sent immediately and should arrive in your inbox within a few minutes.

Welcome to Amy Lamore, we hope that you enjoy using the site and that you check back regularly for updates. Below is a guide to help you use the system more effectively.

Searching - There are several criteria upon which you can search. These include the advertisers age, country of residence, body type, sex and whether the profile includes a photo. If you are a male seeking a female then search for 'Women seeking Men'. If you wish to see only profiles with photos the tick the 'Photo Ads Only' box. You can quickly move through the regions box by pressing the '-' (dash) on your keyboard.

If you wish to find an individual member, you may type their username directly into the 'Username' text box and click search.

Register - Basic registration is FREE. You need to register in order to place a profile as your registered name is what identifies you in the system and allows us to find your profile for you to edit through the 'My Information' option. Tip: Enter your e-mail address carefully as your password is automatically sent to this address. If you make a mistake, you will not receive your password.

Login - As a member, you may login either at the entry screen. Tip: If you forget your  username or password then you can have it resent by clicking on the 'resend password' link under the login box. Enter the e-mail address you registered with and we will send you the details you require.

Add Profile - Profiles are FREE to place and are much more fun than simply registering. Our studies found that if you place a profile you will be 5 more times likely to receive a response than if you respond to someone else's profile. You can change or delete your profile at any time through the 'My Information' option. Tip: Try to keep the size of your photo smaller than 20k or you may have trouble uploading it (depending on your internet connection). Use an image editor such as Paint Shop Pro to reduce the size of your image by cutting out unnecessary 'white space' and compressing the image.

My Information - This section lets you delete or edit your profile or change your registration details (if for example you change your main e-mail address). You can also de-register from here and you will no longer receive e-mails from us telling you of updates. 

Chat - The chatroom is for non-trial members to communicate on either a personal or community level Click the chat room button on the left-hand menu and the chat room you will automatically be logged into the chat room using your username. Simply enter your message in the blue box and press send to display your message to other users. If you prefer to communicate on a one-to-one basis, double-click the username in the list on the right to display a private chat window that can only be seen by you and the person you are communicating with.

Instant Messenger - The Instant messenger gives you a private chat facility for other members that are logged in to the Instant Messenger. When launched, it will display a list of members online. Select the member you wish to message by clicking their username. This action will display a message box for you to enter a message. Click an emoticon to enter it at any point in your message and press send to message the user. Although you can communicate with several people simultaneously, only the member you are messaging will see your message.

If you feel that something needs to be added to this help page let us know.